Wednesday, December 3, 2008

First Post

Alright, so this is my first post from my newly created blog. From now on I will be sharing with anyone who cares about my opinions on DC United and the US Men's National Team. Along the way I will also share bits and pieces of my other aspects of my life such as the Green Bay Packers, college, and most of all, my love of movies. Now, on to the real stuff.

5 thoughts from 2008

1. I was never too high on Marcelo Gallardo this year, he played well at times and struggled at times, and if he stays injury free, he could have an impact next year, however, tell me this is not the goal of the year. It didn't even make the top 5, yet Will Johnson's accidental first touch and a fluke 80 yard goal did? What were we thinking?

2. As much as everyone loves Kenny Cooper (and I do love watching him play) he only scored 18 goals in 119 shots, or once every 6.6 shots. While he still did score the second most goals in MLS, both Landon Donovan 20 in 65 or once every 3.25 shots and Edson Buddle 15 in 74 or once every 4.9 shots were much more efficient. I'm not suggesting that Edson Buddle is anywhere near the player that Kenny Cooper is, just that Kenny desperately needs to improve his finishing before being considered for a starting spot for USA. Now check out these amazing goals from the big man.

3. Ben Olsen, this better not be the end. I was in the stands for the 15 minutes he played against the LA Galaxy and I hope that was not the last we see of him. Amazing man, great character, it is because of him that DC has been so successful. I hope to see him in uniform in 2009, and it is my firm opinion that he deserves the captaincy for DC. Vintage Ben Olsen against Red Bull.

4. Thank God New York's lucky asses didn't win MLS Cup. The stat of the day is 10. 10 times other teams hit the woodwork in the last 5 weeks of the season. DC United could have knocked Red Bull out if not for hitting the post 3 times. In their first round match-up, Houston hit the woodwork 3 times. Real Salt Lake were unlucky as well 3 times, and in the final GBS hit the crossbar. What kind of world are we living in where New York plays in the final and DC doesn't even make the playoffs? Not one I want to live in.

5. Finally, REALLY MLS VOTERS??????? This is almost as bad as in 2004 when Amado 6 penalties Guevara, his 4 goals, 10 assists, and 3rd place team beat out Jaime for MVP when Jaime had 7 goals, 14 assists, and would eventually win MLS CUP. Here is the clip again just to show how wrong everyone who voted was.

Thats all for today, thanks for checking in.


rizvinho said...

Awesome blog. Keep up the good work.

Matt said...

Yeah, 2004 MVP was a travesty. Joe Cannon hella should have won :)